East Walton - Traffic Dangers

Traffic Incidents
Traffic Incidents
Church Lane junction
Church Lane Junction
Village Green
Village Green

The speed of traffic passing through the village has been a concern for villages for some time. There are two particular danger points on the main road through the village, the sharp bend at the junction of Church Lane, near the Greyhound, and the junction with the East Winch Road at the Village Green.

Since this section of the site was started there have been some developments, most notably, the introduction of a 40mph speed limit and the total reconstruction of the Footpath. However, there remains considerable doubt amongst villagers that these have had any impact on reducing those dangers.

The main part of this section, however, is the record the Traffic Incidents in the village.

Most of the incidents that occur at Church Lane involve a single vehicle travelling north, towards Gayton, and can only be put down to excess speed.

Most of those that fail to negotiate the bend, leave the carriageway cross the footpath and plunge into, or even through, the hedge. Some have failed to turn at all and hit the chevron signs indicating the sharp bend. Others have been known to spin across the road and hit the verge on the inside of the bend. One even re-crossed the road and finally burying itself in the hedge almost 50 yards after the bend. Another, before this site was started, remained in the roadway but was overturned.

However, the most serious incident at the junction, was a collision that appears to have been caused by a driver going north cutting the corner, rather than overshooting it, and colliding with an on-coming south-bound vehicle.

At the other end of the village, at the Village Green, incidents tend to involve more than one vehicle. The usual scenario is that a vehicle approaching from Gayton has to stop before making a right turn into East Winch Road. While waiting for Gayton bound traffic to pass, a following vehicle approaching from Gayton comes round the blind bend and is unable to stop in time, crashing either into the stationery vehicle or one travelling to Gayton.

Page published: 1 May 2006